
Jury Research


Jury Research


Case Analysis and Theme development

At Trilogy Trial Consultants, we analyze the issues and problem areas of your case using an innovative approach that is jury driven and psychology based. Your theme will have the widest latitude of acceptance. Recommendations often include the following: 

  • Detailed analysis and structured development of the story 
  • Theme development and identifying problem areas in your case 
  • Fine tuning opening statements and closing arguments that will resonate with jurors
  • Creation, design and implementation of visual aids
  • Testing effectiveness of exhibits and visual aids in and through jury research exercise

juror Survey Research

Juror surveys center on conducting opinion polls in the trial jurisdiction. Jury-qualified residents are interviewed concerning their perceptions of relevant parties, opinions, decision preferences, and background characteristics. Based on samples ranging from several hundred to more than a thousand, our research team addresses a number of issues of concern in both criminal and civil litigation.

Community and Venue Studies

Our quantitative research methods and design is based on scientifically acceptable principles that will hold up in court.

Opinion Stream®

Opinion Stream® allows attorneys to get reactions to their case issues from tapping into various cyber villages and communities. The best of both worlds are blended seamlessly in Opinion Stream®: anonymous responses increase candor while tapping into cyber communities provides insight into value beliefs and interests. It is the perfect tool to shape voir dire strategy and diagnose problem areas.




Our approach to focus groups, mock trials, and jury simulations are unique. Our persuasion research methodology is based on sound applied research techniques. Our Director of Trial Consulting, Dr. Singer is the only trial consultant in the country with a Ph.D. in Applied Research and is a licensed Clinical Psychologist. 40 years of experience and over $11 Billion in verdicts and settlements has proven that her pioneering approach to trial and jury research delivers reliable and valid intel. Additionally, our approach to strategic planning is cost effective and highly successful.


SimulJury® is an effective approach to focus groups that integrates a traditional live panel and an online panel of surrogate jurors. SimulJury® participants tend to provide more honest feedback then live mock jurors due to anonymity. They also tend to be a closer match to a real jury due to a larger pool of potential participants. The pragmatic, real time feedback allows attorneys to change their message or presentation style instantly and sway jurors in the right direction. SimulJury® can also be used in to evaluate and prepare a witness.

Opening Statements and Closing Arguments Analysis

When there is zero room for error, our jury driven, psychology based testing provides a platform for creativity and paragon strategies.

Witness Assessment and Evaluation

As a licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Singer will provide critical services to your most important witnesses. As an aid in witness preparation, Dr. Singer was the first to use:

  • Psychodrama
  • Neuro linguistic programming
  • Gestalt therapy

Wizpor® Witness: Discovery Re: Action®

With Wizpor® Witnesses: Discovery Re: Action®, you will receive real time feedback during witness depositions. Wizpor® technology simulcasts the deposition in real time to a secret, password protected hand-picked and anonymous "audience." While one attorney asks questions to the witness, your associate or paralegal can view live  comments, opinions, observations and questions made by your "audience" and "audience" moderator. Questions, comments and observations are sent in real-time to your email. You will learn what additional questions to ask, what an audience finds important, and more importantly; what critical information will change their mind. You can modify strategies instantaneously, maximizing the chances for better discovery solutions to addressing the problem areas of your case.

Private Viewing Room

This setup allows numerous attendees to watch and listen in on the focus group and/or mock trial without disturbing the experimental design of the exercise. 


During Trial


Voir Dire Consultation

With over 1600 voir dire consultations since 1978, Dr. Singer was the first to recognize that voir dire is a deselection process. In order to effectively exercise peremptory challenges, the attorney must get a sample of deliberation behavior. Questions that lead to challenges for cause is an integral part of our strategy. This is accomplished by employing our proprietary methodology.

Real-Time Jury Pool Research & INTEL

Jury profiling identifies the life experiences, pre-disposed attitudes and beliefs that predict whether a prospective juror may be dangerous to your case. Utilizing our on-site structured methodology, we rapidly research each of the individuals in your jury pool to glean meaningful intel that can be provided to counsel instantly. This will assist you in identifying a plaintiff/defense friendly juror and will also give you insight into their value belief system. Remember, self disclosure is unreliable. Our analysis will assist you in identifying that stealth juror who may sabotage your case. 

Shadow Jury

Although other forms of research, such as mock trials and focus groups, offer very useful information for trial strategy and settlement considerations, a shadow jury offers something unique in addition to these trial preparation tools. These research participants hear the real thing — the trial itself. They can evaluate the actual performance of witnesses. They also are exposed to the case in great detail through the length of the trial and thus have a perspective very similar to the real jury. 


Juror Interviews

Post trial juror interviews do for attorneys, after trial, what focus groups and mock trials do for them prior to trial. They provide information on what jurors did and did not comprehend, what issues were important to them and why, what witnesses impressed them and why, attitudes toward clients, feedback on attorney presentations, and keen insight on the workings of group dynamics. In addition, these interviews provide invaluable data for future jury selections. Lastly, they may reveal evidence of misconduct. Because post trial juror interviews can be conducted for relatively low costs, especially if only two or three jurors are polled per panel, at the very least, they quickly pay for themselves in wiser, more perceptive approaches for upcoming cases. At the most, they may result in misconduct findings, warranting motions for a new trial.